Mother Reach London & Middlesex
Promoting caring within the home and community
Mother Reach London and Middlesex promotes a caring community to educate, treat and support women and their families who are at risk for, or are coping with, a perinatal mood or anxiety disorder.
The Mother Reach coalition is made up of a team of community members and professionals in London and Middlesex County whose purpose is to provide:
- Public/professional awareness of perinatal mood & anxiety disorders
- Improved access to services
- Dissemination of information and resources to all prenatal and postpartum women, their families and caregivers
Chair: Dr. Agnes Wainman, London Psychological Services. drwainman [at] londonps [dot] ca
Community Events Coordinator: Jill Ritchie, Babeeze in Arms Doula Centre. jill [at] babeezeinarms [dot] com
Resource Coordinator: Linda Alder, Middlesex-London Health Unit. linda [dot] alder [at] mlhu [dot] on [dot] ca
HOPE line and Helpformom website Coordinator: Sarah Parkinson, London Health Sciences Centre. sarah [dot] parkinson [at] lhsc [dot] on [dot] ca
The agencies involved in the Mother Reach Coalition include the following:
- Babeeze in Arms Doula Centre
- Canadian Mental Health Association
- Childreach
- Children’s Aid Society of London & Middlesex
- Family Service Thames Valley
- Heartspace
- London Health Sciences Centre
- London Mental Health Crisis Service
- London Psychological Services
- Merrymount Children’s Centre
- Middlesex-London Health Unit
- Ontario Early Years Centres
- Rebirth Wellness
- Regional Mental Health Care
- Telehealth Ontario
- Thames Valley Midwives
- Western University
- Womancare Midwives
Call 519-672-HOPE (4673) for more information or support.